If you haven't read my study of the first chapter, you can find it here!
Happy reading everyone!
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, leave them down in the comments, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible :)
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, leave them down in the comments, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible :)
I also have a link to the online version of the King James bible in the sidebar if you'd like to read the official text too! (and, if like me, you do not possess a hard copy of it)
So, let's begin!
So, let's begin!
On the seventh day, after God had brought creation into existence over a course of six days, He ended His work and rest.
God blessed the seventh day.
God blessed the seventh day.
There are seven days in a week, and the seventh day, when God finished His work on creation, is Sunday (or the Sabbath). That's why it's a blessed day and we go to church to pray together.
The plants and herbs were still in the Earth, because God had not let it rain for some time, and there was nobody to till and tend to the field. However, there was a "mist" that went up from Earth and watered it.
"The earth did not bring forth its fruits of itself: this was done by Almighty power. Thus grace in the soul grows not of itself in nature's soil, but is the work of God. Rain also is the gift of God; it came not till the Lord God caused it. Though God works by means, yet when he pleases he can do his own work without them; and though we must not tempt God in the neglect of means, we must trust God, both in the use and in the want of means. Some way or other, God will water the plants of his own planting." Source {King James Bible - Contemporary, found at the end of the page}
Q) So how did God create mankind?
God formed man from the dust of the Earth and breathed life (a soul) into him through his nostrils, thus creating a living human.
Then, God placed the man He had created in the Garden of Eden (Eastward of Eden). God made a tree grow out of the ground. It was beautiful and bore fruit
The tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil was in the midst of the garden.
God made a river flow through Eden, to water the garden, parting it into four rivers.
The first river is named Pison, which flows around the land of Halivah, where there is gold. The gold of Halivah is good, and there is bdellium and onyx.
The second river is named Gihon, which flows through the land of Ethiopia.
The third river is named Hiddekel, which flows East of Assyria.
The fourth river is named Euphrates.
God took the man and put him in Eden to take care of it and tend to it.
God told him that he was free to eat from any tree there, except for the tree of knowledge of good and evil, or he will die.
Then, God decided that it wasn't good for the man to remain alone, so out of the ground, God created every form of cattle and fowl, and brought them to the man to be named.
After that, God put Adam into a deep sleep. While asleep, God took one of his rib, and from that rib, He created a woman.
Adam said, since she is from the same bone and flesh as I, she shall be called woman, since she was taken from man.
Adam said, since she is from the same bone and flesh as I, she shall be called woman, since she was taken from man.
Therefore, a man will leave his family, and join his wife, becoming one with her.
Both the man and the woman were naked, but! They were not ashamed :)
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