Sunday, July 10, 2016

†Bible Study† Book of Genesis, Chapter 3

Happy Sunday everyone!
If you don't go to church (like me, haha, because I don't have a church where I live), then let's say a few words of prayer together!
Father, I thank you for all that you have done in my life! Please continue to guide me with Your Grace, each and every step of the way. Amen!

Let's jump right into our Bible study! This week is chapter 3 of Genesis!
If you've missed my two previous chapters, you might find this link helpful in viewing all posts marked as †Bible Study† on this blog :)

Let's begin!

It is said that the serpent is the most deceitful beast that God brought down on Earth.
The serpent asked the woman, "Didn't God tell you that you may eat from every tree tree in the garden?"
And the woman confirmed that indeed God had said so.
"But God commanded us not to eat or even touch the tree in the midst of the garden, or else we will die."
The serpent told the woman that she won't die if she eats from that tree, but on the contrary, her eyes will be opened, and she shall know good from evil.

Here, the serpent is the devil, king of lies and deceit. This is a very good example of a way the devil tried to lure the children of God away from the true path, and unfortunately, he managed to succeed... But not for long :)

The woman saw that the tree was pleasant to the eyes (this shows desire) and was good for food.
Since she desired to be wise, she plucked the fruit from it and ate. She also gave fruit to her husband, who ate as well. And soon, they felt that their eyes "opened". They became aware that they were naked, so they sewed clothes for themselves from fig leaves.

This shows that it is the devil's fault that walking around naked became "sin". Before they listened to the serpent, the man and woman were not ashamed at all!

The man and woman then heard the voice of God in the garden, so they hid themselves from Him amongst the trees. Little did they know is that God sees and knows everything :)
The Lord called out to Adam, and asked where he was.
Adam replied saying, "I heard Your voice, Lord, and I was afraid. So I hid myself because I was naked."
"Who told you that you are naked?" God asked. "Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?"
Adam told him that the woman gave it to him, and he ate. 
God asked the woman what she had done, and she told God that the serpent tempted her into eating.
God spoke to the serpent and told him, "Because you have done this, you've caused all the cattle and beasts to be cursed."
"I shall place feelings of animosity between you and the woman, and between your children."
God told the woman, "I will greatly increase your sorrow during the conception of children. You will subject your desire to your husband, and he shall rule over you."
Then, God told Adam, "Since you listened to your wife and ate from the tree, of which I commanded you not to eat, I curse this ground and for all the days of your life you shall toil away in labor to eat from it. You shall return to the ground from which you originally came. For you were created from dust, and you shall return to what you were created."

Adam called his wife Eve (that is, living) because she was the mother of all living.
God made coats of skins and clothed Adam and Eve, and God said "Behold, the man has become one of us, able to differentiate between good and evil."

God then banished them from Eden and sent them to till the ground from which they were taken.
After he drove them out, God placed Cherubims (second class of Seraphs/angels, right below Seraphims) at the gate of Eden, and they had a flaming sword to keep people out.

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